Thanksgiving Plate Cookies

I made that!

How cute is this cookie?! I’m just going to warn you now. These cookies are tedious. I made these cookies a few years back for my in-law side of the family, but ended up giving them to my husband’s ex-wife’s family for a few reasons. 1) These things were taking forever and I was over it after 6 cookies (I kept going to make 1 dozen though), 2) My husband’s family (mom, dad, siblings, nieces, and nephews) is 21 people, including his daughter and us. 3) My stepdaughter was going to be with her mom that year and there were going to be significantly less people at their home, so I decided to give it to them. I usually always make them some sort of treat during the holidays. Plus, my stepdaughter helped make a few.

What you need:

  • Pillsbury sugar cookies (either a mix or the refrigerated kind, or your preferred sugar cookie recipe)
  • Green Nerds candy
  • Yellow Starburst
  • Orange Starburst
  • Good & Plenty candy – white
  • Cookie icing
  • Vanilla frosting
  • Chewy caramel
  • Butterscotch sauce (optional as gravy- I didn’t do this, simply because I forgot…oops!)
  • A whole lot of patience
  1. Bake sugar cookies as directed on packaging or by the recipe you are following. Let cool completely.
  2. Pipe a thin boarder around the cookie with cookie icing then fill it in.
  3. Make turkey drumsticks by molding chewy caramel half way around a white Good & Plenty. Place on cookie.
  4. Add green Nerds to cookie to make it look like a pile of peas.
  5. Cut up orange Starbust to look like pieces of carrot and add to “peas.”
  6. Spoon on a small dollop of vanilla frosting and swirl around to make it look like a scoop of mashed potatoes.
  7. Cut up yellow Starburt to look like pads of butter and place atop of “mashed potatoes.”
  8. Drizzle butterscotch sauce onto “mashed potatoes.”

Sounds simple, right? Not really. Haha! But if you have kids, they can help you make them! Or at the very least separate the green Nerds from the rest of the colors. 😉

Bon Appetit!

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